Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Justice!!!! Schlitterbahn to close and remove Verruckt death machine!!!

Verruckt slide at Schlitterbahn with the killer netting above innocent unsuspecting riders.  When the raft went airborn this summer, the hook and loop belts (not Velcro brand) gave way, expelling young Caleb Schwab into the netting, and decapitating him.  JocoPost.com was the first to report the decapitation.  Confirmed the news with an eyewitness and an investigator sworn to secrecy for fear of losing their job in law enforcement--due to the cozy relationship of county government and their big money-generating local business.  We shared the decapitation details with Tonyskansascity.com--and Tony shared it with the world.  For the first week, local TV refused to say the word "decapitation".  The public was so misled, families were still attending the water park as if this was some trivial accident, rather than a horrific and preventable death trap.

KCTV 5 reported it as their lead story at 6pm today.

The results of the investigation must have been brutal!  Waiting for more details tomorrow, but here is Steve Vockrodt's initial report in the STAR.   (Just last week, he and I had speculated on whether the report would be buried and the victims paid for their silence.)

KC STAR reports Verruckt removal, three minutes after TV5 broke the story at 6pm

Schlitterbahn can never compensate Scott Schwab's family for the decapitation of their sweet son, Caleb.  But this is the right thing to do.

That slide was a blight on the landscape.

Good riddance.

I hope someone goes after the man, the son of the original owners of the water park, and send him to prison.  This was his doing.  He was so desperate to be the lead story on XTreme Sports cable show that he committed to building the world's tallest water slide.  With insufficient planning and design time.  Without telling his family/business partners.  Without knowing how to do it safely.  And according to a local engineer, he ignored phone calls from a structural engineer who tried to warn him--the design was defective, and would kill ejected passengers.

More to follow.

TV5 breaks story: Schlitterbahn says Verruckt will be coming down

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